The Professional Cricketers' Association (PCA) is investigating claims that players were pressured to go ahead with Saturday's Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers and Mumbai......
Security apprehension about the Indian Premier League is proving infectious with South Africa captain Graeme Smith saying that his compatriots have developed a cold feet about travelling to India.......
Australian Cricketers' Association boss Paul Marsh has said that the shifting of the IPL semi-finals venue was really comforting in the wake of two crude bomb blasts outside Bangalore's Chinnawamy......
Indian Premier League chairman Lalit Modi has ridiculed the safety concerns raised by it but the Australian Cricketers Association claims to have made "some positive progress" in getting its......
Following a threat by extreme right wing political party Shiv Sena to prevent the Australians from playing in Mumbai, Australian cricketers will be asked to follow stringent security measures......