The Madhya Pradesh high court has dismissed a petition filed by Dow Chemical challenging the trial court order of 2005 issuing show cause notice to it in the 1984 Bhopal gas leak case. The Dow......
An NGO working for the Bhopal gas tragedy victims has alleged that there are no accurate figures available on the death toll of the world’s worst industrial disaster even after 30 years and......
A Bhopal court on Friday ordered the Central Bureau of Investigationto arrest former Union Carbide chairman Warren Anderson and produce him without delay, prompting survivors of the 1984 Bhopal gas......
The gas tragedy led an entire generation of women in Bhopal to shed their social inhibitions and fight for a righteous cause, reports Prasanna D Zore. We were left with no choice but to come out......
Once upon a time, Anil Chawla of Bhopal was a bright young engineer just out of the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai. Unlike most of his classmates, he did not go to the US for......