Rubbishing comments that India's largest auction of oil and gas blocks flopped last week, the government said on Wednesday the eighth round of NELP attracted over $1.34 billion in minimum......
The government will relaunch the country's largest-ever auction of oil and gas blocks on August 8 and will extend the last date of bidding by two months to mid-October. The first of the promotional......
Fearing investor backlash on ambiguity over tax holiday for natural gas, India on Friday deferred roadshows for the largest-ever auction of oil and gas blocks and the new dates would be worked out......
Unperturbed by the global economic crisis, India will launch next month its biggest ever auction of oil exploration blocks with about 100 areas likely to be offered for bidding. "Next month, we......
The government will next week launch the 9th round of auction under the New Exploration Licensing Policy for the oil and gas sector. The government is likely to offer about 34 blocks under NELP-IX......