Telugu actress Aarti Agarwal was admitted to hospital on Thursday morning after she fell from the balcony of her home and suffered a severe head injury the night before.Doctors at the Apollo......
Chiranjeevi and Nagarjuna shared the Andhra Pradesh Best Actor award for 2002 for their performances in the Telugu films Indra and Santhosham, respectively. Kalyani was adjudged Best Actress for......
"No more experiments for me," reasons Telugu teen sensation Uday Kiron. He is now excited aboutthe Supergood Films' youth-centric film he is working on. He is also banking heavily on Visalakshi......
Actor Uday Kiran, one of Telugu film industry's most prolific actors of this generation, allegedly committed suicide at his house in Hyderabad on Sunday night. The 33-year-old actor's parents......