A school in Uttar Pradesh's Kanpur city has made wearing of veils and scarves mandatory, other than banning mobile phones by students, leaving the National Commission on Women fuming over......
The National Commission for Women on Tuesday demanded that Trinamool Congress MP Tapas Pal be expelled from Parliament for his "insensitive" remarks which have triggered a row. The MP, also a......
Criticising the lack of efforts by the Uttar Pradesh administration to curb rising number of rape cases, the National Commission for Women on Monday demanded the resignation of Uttar Pradesh Chief......
National Commission for Woman on Monday said it will summon the Uttar Pradesh Police chief to ask what his force is doing to prevent increase in rape cases there and observed that fear of police in......
National Commission for Women welcomed Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa's views that laws dealing with crime against women should be amended, saying they would help contain such violations.......