A mysterious illness has taken 16 lives in a small village Rajouri, confounding authorities, which remain clueless about the cause of the deaths even two months after the first casualty. Kindly......
A high-level inter-ministerial team on Monday investigated for nearly six hours in the Badhaal village of Jammu and Kashmir's Rajouri district to ascertain the causes of deaths of 17 members of......
The Indian Council of Medical Research has called for avoiding protein supplements for building body mass and has recommended restricting salt intake, minimising sugar and ultra-processed foods and......
South Africa's new cases of coronavirus doubled in a day, mounting pressure on the government to review the limitations on public gatherings for unvaccinated people. IMAGE: A nurse prepares a dose......
A new variant of SARS-CoV-2, the virus which cause COVID-19, has been detected in South Africa and many other countries globally which could be more transmissible and evade protection provided by......
An increase in government spending on the healthcare sector - from the current 1 per cent to 2.5-3 per cent of GDP - as envisaged in the National Health Policy 2017 could reduce out-of-pocket......
Experts are fast realising that mid-life death and disability caused by cardiovascular diseases -- CVDs -- have disastrous consequences on families who lose wage earners, resulting in loss in......
Pharmaceutical innovation has occurred in many settings, but the challenge before us is today one of how can we make vaccines for major diseases that have been largely ignored. The solution to this......
IMAGE: According to Cricket South Africa, the players will train in small monitored groups with identified coaches from their nearest franchise teams. Photograph: Anesh Debiky/Gallo Images/Getty......