Vicky Nanjappa profiles Narain Rao Manjunath, one of the key accused in the Railways bribery scandal. The Central Bureau of Investigation, which is probing the Railways bribery scandal in which......
Five accused, including Railway Minister P K Bansal's nephew and suspended member (staff) in the railway board, were on Thursday remanded in judicial custody till May 20 by a Delhi court in......
Ajay Garg, a close aide of Union Railway Minister P K Bansal's nephew and an alleged middleman in the Rs 10 crore bribery case, was arrested on Tuesday after he surrendered before a Delhi court,......
The Central Bureau of Investigation on Sunday arrested one more accused in the railway bribery scandal involving Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal's nephew and a board member, taking the total......
Vijay Singla, nephew of Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal, was on Saturday remanded in the custody of the Central Bureau of Investigation for four days by a Delhi court in connection with a......