Tata Motors, on Tuesday, launched the Nano Europa at the 79th Geneva Motor show before Nano's formal launch on March 23 in India. The Nano Europa will have a slightly longer wheelbase of 2.28......
Shelving its expansion plans in Thailand and opting for fast-growing Indonesia, India's Tata Motors is in talks with a leading Indonesian automobile company to produce its popular no-frills Nano......
Tata Motors on Tuesday said it will launch the electric version of the world's cheapest car Nano in Europe within the next two-and-a-half years, although no timeline has been fixed for its rollout......
India may be the primary target market for Nano, but Tata Motors is looking at taking its Rs 1-lakh (Rs 100,000) wonder to the United States in three years, besides Europe. "Given the present......
Tata's small car Nano may not be able to enter Europe due to stringent safety and emission norms, leading German luxury carmaker Audi said joining the list of auto players, who are sceptical about......