Markets regulator Sebi on Friday imposed a fine of Rs 2 crore on Saradha Realty, its chief Sudipta Sen and two directors, Hemanta Pradhan and Monoj Kumar Nagel, for failing to comply with its......
Central Bureau of Investigation has examined 64 witnesses in connection with its probe in the Saradha chit fund scam in which a Trinamool Congress member of Parliament is also an accused, Lok Sabha......
The Central Bureau of Investigation was on Monday granted seven days custody of the main accused in the Saradha chitfund scam, Sudipta Sen, suspended Trinamool Congress member of Parliament Kunal......
It's been a bad week on Wall Street. The Dow has been avalanching downward, and the July to September summary of 401(k) statements in people's mailboxes look like black diamond ski slopes. It's a......
The Hyderabad-based Four Soft (4S) has acquired the UK-based DCS Transport and Logistics for $19 million in cash, making it the largest company in the transportation and supply chain management......
The film opens with a layered, self-referencing, almost-nonsensical plot about a major heist, a seemingly impossible casino boost in Las Vegas. It's a contrived, bizarrely complicated sequence of......
Summary of sports events and persons who made news on Friday IMAGE: Duke Blue Devils forward Zion Williamson (1) reacts after falling during the first half against the North Carolina Tar......
Summary of sports events and persons who made news on Thursday IMAGE: Anna Sarkissian, left, and Ameesha Joshi with India's boxing queen M C Mary Kom. Photograph Courtesy: Anna......