Indian Mujahideen’s new chief Tehsin Akhtar was arrested quite a few days ago, but security agencies decided to keep the news under wraps to entrap fellow terror operative Waqar Ahmed and......
The Delhi police made several arrests of key members of banned Indian Mujahideen this year including its chief Tehseen Akhtar but faced major law and order challenges with Trilokpuri riots and a......
Indian Mujahideen terrorist Ejaz Sheikh, wanted in several cases including a terror strike in Jama Masjid in Delhi, was arrested on Friday night from Saharanpur area of western Uttar Pradesh by the......
Kerala remains a safe haven for members of the IM and the SIMI alike, says Vicky Nanjappa Waqas Ahmed and Tehsin Akthar, two of Indian Mujahideen’s most dangerous terrorists, had camped for a......
Indian Mujahideen had plotted to target cash-rich IPL and one of its operatives had surveyed the Wankhede Stadium here from inside during a T20 match in 2011 but the plan was aborted owing to tight......