SBI Mutual Fund set the ball rolling in July 1999 by launching Magnum Contra. After its phenomenal success, thanks to fund manager Sandip Sabharwal (now replaced by Sanjay Sinha), other fund houses......
The markets celebrated the festive season and did it with a lot of style. The BSE Sensex rose by 2.85 per cent to close at 5,699 points while the S&P CNX Nifty closed at 1,837 points (up by 3.26......
The recent bailout of Romania by the International Monetary Fund puts the spotlight back on the East European block of countries and what it means for the Western European banking sector. If......
It has been a few months now that concerns of a global economic slowdown have been looming large across industries, which has been adequately reflected in the volatility in the equity markets too.......