Two Kannada films hit the screens this Friday, October 31, across Karnataka. Belli, directed by Mahesh, stars Shivarajkumar in the lead while Ee Dil…Helide Nee Bekunta is......
Shruti Indira Lakshminarayana reviews the Kannada film Eno Onthara. Post YOUR reviews here.Tamil's Kushi comes to Kannada as Eno Onthara without much cosmetic changes. Directed by 'Mussanje'......
Get your low down on what's happening in the Kannada film industry, right here! Ganesh turns director with his home production Kool. The actor who was to play just the lead role in this......
Producer Shilpa Ganesh is teaming up with husband Ganesh for her second Kannada home production Kool. The film is being produced under the banner Golden Movies. It will see the actor playing a......
Mussanje Maathu, the Kannada film directed by debutant Mahesh is an enjoyable film with a good blend of emotions, good performances and meaningful songs. Though the radio jockey's character and......