Tamil Nadu, on Monday, managed a slender first-innings lead but Baroda went ahead by 94 runs with six wickets remaining in their second essay by the end of third day's play, leaving the Group B......
Bhuvneshwar Kumar shone with a five-wicket haul as Uttar Pradesh produced a dominating show to thrash Baroda by 10 wickets and claim their second outright victory in this season's Ranji Trophy to......
Utkarsh Patel and Bhargav Bhatt held their nerves under tremendous pressure to lead Baroda to a thrilling one-wicket win over Haryana in their Ranji Trophy Group B match in Rohtak. Chasing, 132 to......
Riding on Saurabh Wakaskar's ton and Ambati Rayudu's half-century, Baroda managed to take the first innings lead over Haryana and then reduced the hosts to 127 for two at stumps on the third day of......
Rahul Dalal remained unbeaten on 64 as Haryana ended Day One on 221 for five against Baroda in a Ranji Trophy Group B match in Rohtak on Saturday. Dalal faced 117 balls during his half-century......