The Tamil Nadu state unit of the BJP has been alleging that its leaders are being systematically attacked/murdered in the state. A Ganesh Nadar brings to light five cases where workers of the BJP......
Indian Boxing Federation's Secretary General Brig P K Muralidharan Raja will be the deputy Chef-de-Mission of the country's contingent in this year's London Olympics after being nominated for the......
Less than six months after taking the professional plunge, former world champion L Sarita Devi and Commonwealth Games bronze-medallist Pinki Jangra will return to amateur boxing after apologising......
Construction delays for the 2010 Commonwealth Games in New Delhi have caused the Commonwealth boxing championships to be put back until early next year, the Indian Boxing Federation (IABF) said on......
India is waking up to its sporting potential, but, in recent times, so is the nation’s embarrassment when it comes to its officials. Take a look at the most embarrassing moments in Indian......
More than half of the suspended Indian Boxing Federation's state units met in an "informal conclave" in New Delhi on Sunday and decided to write to the international body, seeking the appointment......