Tight security arrangements were made in Bhojpur district on Wednesday, with police in riot gear patrolling roads, as the shraddh ceremony of slain Ranvir Sena chief Brahmeshwar Singh alias......
Slain Ranvir Sena chief Brahmeshwar Singh alias Mukhiyaji had never written to the police seeking security, Patna Zone Inspector General of Police B Srinivasan said on Thursday. Srinivasan was......
The kin of Ranvir Sena chief Brahmeshwar Singh alias Mukhiyaji on Monday demanded a Central bureau of Investigation probe in the latter's murder case last week. "Our family would like the CBI to......
Association of caste with the way people have tended to vote in Bihar has somewhat weakened, says Mayank Mishra. Sahdev Rai, popularly known as Mukhiyaji in his Musepur village, used to be an......
In a shocking incident in flood-hit Bihar's Madhubani district,a youth was blinded by pouring acid into his eyes by the husband of panchayathead and his henchmen for demanding flood relief......