The city police on Tuesday moved the Delhi high court for slapping of a more stringent spying charge, entailing 14 years' jail term, on suspended Indian diplomat Madhuri Gupta, in place of the......
A trial court on Saturday framed charges against suspended Indian diplomat Madhuri Gupta on offences carrying a lighter punishment of three years as the Delhi police was unable to establish a case......
A Delhi court on Saturday framed charges against former Indian diplomat Madhuri Gupta for allegedly passing on sensitive information to Pakistan's ISI. Additional Sessions Judge Pawan Kumar Jain......
The Delhi police chargesheeted disgraced diplomat Madhuri Gupta on Tuesday accusing her of passing secret information to Pakistan's Inter State Intelligence during her posting in Islamabad. Gupta,......
Disgraced Indian junior diplomat Madhuri Gupta was given Rs 1 lakh for allegedly passing secret information to Pakistan intelligence agents, investigators told a Delhi court on Friday. Gupta,......