Hyundai Motor India Ltd on Sunday said its three employees at Chennai-based manufacturing plant have tested positive for COVID-19. The second largest carmaker in the country had resumed operations......
Worried over the large scale violence on Wednesday that claimed the life of a senior official, Maruti Suzuki India may be considering a lockout as one of the options for now. However, the company......
The strike by workers at Maruti Suzuki India's Manesar plant entered its seventh day on Thursday, with no sign of an end despite the Haryana government declaring it illegal."The workers are still......
Marathon talks brokered by the Haryana government between the management and striking workers at Maruti Suzuki India's Manesar plant are still on, with the stir entering its 14th day on......
The strike at Maruti Suzuki India's Manesar plant entered its 12th day on Tuesday as talks brokered by the Haryana government between the management and workers on Monday remained inconclusive.......
The strike at Maruti Suzuki India's Manesar plant entered its 11th day on Monday, with workers protesting outside the factory premises, but the company said it has resumed partial production at the......
The strike by workers at the Manesar plant of Maruti Suzuki India entered its fifth day today and with no signs of an end to the stalemate, the management said its overall production will be lower......