The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) on Thursday debarred Ketan Parekh, the stock market operator involved in the stock market scam of 2000, Singapore-based trader Rohit Salgaocar, and......
Titan Company on November 21, became the second Tata group firm to join Rs 3 trillion market capitalisation (market cap) club after its shares hit a new high of Rs 3,400, up nearly 2 per cent on......
With limited downside risk, the Indian market offers tremendous upside over the next five years, says Raamdeo Agrawal, joint managing director, Motilal Oswal Financial Services. The brokerage has......
Terming the RBI's move to raise key policy rates by 25 basis points as in-line with market expectations, analysts said the apex bank should not go for any further rate hikes in the current year in......
Experts say a turnaround may happen after the general electionsStocks with high foreign holding have fallen more than Sensex stocks in the period since the US central bank announced the tapering of......