The market capitalisation of BSE-listed companies surged to Rs 98,11,322 crore. Investor wealth surged by over Rs 2.69 lakh crore in three days, with the Sensex gaining over 1,100 points, on......
The benchmark Sensex created history by closing above the 25,000 mark for the first time on heavy buying in metal, power and oil & gas shares by overseas investors, amid expectations the European......
Investor wealth on Thursday soared by Rs 1 lakh crore, triggered by heavy buying in the stock market, with the BSE benchmark Sensex surging about 382 points to close at near six-week high levels.......
Dragged down by massive selling in stock market, investors wealth worth over Rs 1 lakh crore (Rs 1 trillion) wiped out on Friday with the BSE benchmark Sensex falling by over 450 points to close......
Interest-rate sensitive banking and realty stocks today fell sharply by up to 6 per cent after RBI kept key lending rate unchanged, hiked loan provisioning rules, dashing investor hopes of boost in......