'Aravanis' (eunuchs) in Tamil Nadu have decided to move the Madras high court to declare them as 'third gender'."With the growing number of problems and discrimination being faced by them, they......
The hits and misses of the week. Raazi had a good opening and an excellent weekend. It is a hit already. 102 Not Out holds steady in its second weekend and will become an earner. Vinod Mirani gives......
The hits and misses of the week. 102 Not Out opens weakly at the box office but improves over the weekend. The Amitabh Bachchan-Rishi Kapoor starrer needs to sustain itself through the rest of the......
The hits and misses of the week. Sudhir Mishra's Daas Dev saw a poor fate at the box office, as it released along with the record-breaking Avengers: Infinity Wars. Vinod Mirani gives us his......
The hits and misses of the week. Nanu Ki Jaanu saw a poor opening at the box office, with a slight improvement over the weekend. That's no help, however; the film is a flop. Beyond The Clouds saw a......
The hits and misses of the week. This week's three releases, besides Dead Pool 2, High Jack, Angrezi Mein Kehte Hai and Khajoor Pe Atke, all failed to impress at the box office. Raazi......
India's Under-15 football team has entered the quarter-finals of the Dallas Cup when they defeated a formidable Sockers FC U-15 side by a solitary goal in their last group match in Texas, USA.......