The Bombay high court on Friday upheld the death sentence of three Lashkar-e-Tayiba members, including a couple, in the 2003 twin Mumbai blasts that claimed 52 lives. A division bench of Justice A......
Following is the chronology of the 2003 twin blasts at Gateway of India and Zaveri Bazaar. August 25, 2003 -- Blasts at Zaveri Bazaar and Gateway of India in south Mumbai in which 52 people were......
Six years after twin blasts rocked the Gateway of India and Zaveri Bazaar in 2003 killing 52 people, three persons, including a woman, were on Monday convicted by a special court for the crime.......
Despite recommendation of the POTA Review Committee, a special court on Thursday refused to discharge 2 accused held for conspiring the twin blasts in the city in August 2003, on the ground that......