The Bombay high court on Thursday commuted to life imprisonment the death penalty awarded to three convicts in the 2013 gangrape case of a 22-year-old photojournalist inside the defunct Shakti......
Five men were on Thursday held guilty of the gang-rape of two women in the abandoned Shakti Mills compound in Mumbai last year by a sessions court. The court will pronounce the quantum of......
Days after sentencing four men to life term for brutalising a telephone operator in Shakti Mills compound in Mumbai, a local court on Monday framed fresh charges against the three common convicts......
Nearly eight months after the gangrape of a telephone operator in the abandoned Shakti Mills compound in Mumbai, a sessions court on Friday sentenced four persons convicted in the case to life......
In 1891 a British missionary, Tyndale Biscoe, joined Kashmir's first British-run school imparting modern education to local students. The 250 students in the ten-year-old school were Brahmins who......