Bollywood item girl Rakhi Sawant has joined the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena's cine wing -- Chitrapat Karmachari Sena. Speaking torediff.comShalini Thackeray, general secretary, Chitrapat Karmachari......
Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray on Tuesday warned multiplexes which are not showing Marathi films despite government directives. "Prepare a list of multiplexes that are not showing......
Days after he asked local multiplex owners to screen Marathi movies at prime time or face the music, the Mumbai police has served a notice to Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray, warning......
Raj Thackeray, leader of Maharashtra Navnirman Sena issued a veiled threat to acclaimed director Mahesh Bhatt on the issue of MNS workers being arrested for extortion attempt on a film set.......
Shalini Thackeray, general secretary, Chitrapat Karmachari Sena, the cine wing of Raj Thackeray's Maharashtra Navnirman Sena, told that the MNS is not targeting ABCL chairman Amitabh......