Mitsubishi Motors on Thursday said it plans to launch its sedan Cedia and sports utility vehicle Montero by the first quarter of the next year in partnership with Hindustan Motors."We plan to......
Prospects for Tata Motors-owned Land Rover in India will get a boost when it launches its cheapest sports utility vehicle, the Freelander, in October for under Rs 35 lakh (Rs 3.5 million). The......
Mitsubishi Motors, Japan's fourth largest carmaker, is looking to grab a slice of the 1.2 million per year Indian small car market and is mulling the launch of a compact family hatchback over the......
Hindustan Motors said on Thursday it has appointed HDFC as consultant to sell a part of its land in West Bengal to private retailers for which it has sought the state government's permission."HDFC......
The GP-C K Birla group-promoted Hindustan Motors is planning to launch new products from the Mitsubishi stable in the next six months. Speaking on the sidelines of the company's annual general......