The Gujarat high court on Friday rejected Aam Aadmi Party leaders Arvind Kejriwal and Sanjay Singh's plea seeking an interim stay on the criminal defamation proceedings against them filed by......
A court in Ahmedabad on Sunday remanded social activist Teesta Setalvad and former state director general of police R B Sreekumar in police custody till July 2 in a case of fabricating evidence to......
Social activist Teesta Setalvad was part of a larger conspiracy to frame the then-Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi and others as accused in the post-Godhra riots cases, and attempted to......
The offence for which Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was awarded the maximum sentence of two years in jail was not serious nor did it involve any 'moral turpitude', his lawyer told the Gujarat high......
Gujarat high court on Friday granted bail to Patel quota agitation leader Hardik Patel in two sedition cases, with a rider that he will have to stay outside the state for the next six months.......
Records were broken and fans were enthralled in the world of sport over the last seven days! Iranian women watched the country’s national soccer team for the first time in 40 years on......