Senior journalist A Surya Prakash was on Tuesday appointed chairman of the Prasar Prasar Bharati Board, filling a post which had been lying vacant for the last six months. The appointment, which......
Following is the text of the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh's address at the inauguration of the national media centre in New Delhi on Saturday. "It gives me immense pleasure to be here today on......
The message of ‘good work’ done by the National Democratic Alliance government must be loud and clear in the run-up to its first anniversary -- that’s the most pressing assignment......
The information and broadcasting ministry has issued an advisory to all TV channels not to broadcast live anti-terrorist operations to avoid any adverse impact on rescue exercise. The advisory came......
"Consider that the word 'delay' has been deleted." This was the message articulated on Thursday by Prakash Javadekar, Minister for Information and Broadcasting and Environment, as he sought to......