After over 27 years at Ford Motor Company, Michael Boneham, president and managing director of Ford India, is all set to hang up his boots this December."Boneham has elected to retire effective......
Ford India, which launched a variant of its popular small car Figo in Mumbai on Monday, said it expects the sagging car demand to get a boost during the forthcoming festive season. "It's a......
Ford India, subsidiary of US carmaker Ford, said it aims to accelerate export of India made-Figo to 50 international markets by this year end, from current 34. Figo continues to be a favourite in......
Ford India launched the New Ford Fiesta AT at the Taj Palace in New Delhi on Tuesday. Michael Boneham, president and managing director of Ford India, unveiled the car for the Indian auto market.The......
Backed by the success of its mid-size Fiesta sedan, Ford Motor India - a 100 per cent subsidiary of US car-maker Ford Motor Corporation - on Thursday introduced a cheaper version of the sedan in......