Opposition candidate Meira Kumar on Friday launched her presidential election campaign from Mahatma Gandhi's Sabarmati ashram in Ahmedabad and said her fight is for take forward the ideology of the......
Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar has floored an audience that included her Pakistani counterpart, senior ministers and parliamentarians by delivering a speech in flawless Urdu laced with couplets from......
Union minister Sushma Swaraj on Sunday launched a veiled attack on Meira Kumar, the Opposition’s presidential candidate, by posting a video of a 2013 Lok Sabha speech in which......
Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar failed to cast her vote in Delhi as she is busy in Sasaram constituency which witnessed polling on Thursday. Kumar is registered in the voters' list at her Delhi......
There was no addition to Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar's jewellery though their value increased while her wealth rose by over three-and-a-half times since the 2009 general elections with the total......