Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray on Thursday attacked the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, stating the party once said the leaders involved in a multi-crore scam would be put behind......
The change in Anantnag's demographic after delimitation has added layers of political complexities to the constituency with Pahari-Gujjar, Jammu versus Kashmir dimensions. IMAGE: People's......
People's Democratic Party leader Iltija Mufti, who lost in her electoral debut from Bijbehara seat in south Kashmir, on Tuesday denied that her party lost because of alliance with the Bharatiya......
National Conference chief Farooq Abdullah on Thursday hit back at Prime Minister Narendra Modi saying the release of terrorists in exchange for Rubaiya Sayeed in 1989 and Indian Airlines plane in......
Will Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, who gets his orders from New Delhi, call the shots or allow a democratically elected government to independently govern, questions Ramesh Menon. IMAGE: Omar......