Meghalaya police on Wednesday handed over the body of 25-year-old Christina Reed, a tourist in India from the United Kingdom, to her father Scot Robert Reed. Reed was swept away while she was......
The world's biggest 'jalebi' made in Shillong has stormed into the Limca Book of Records on the first day of the Shillong Autumn Festival that got off to a colourful beginning on Saturday in the......
Manuscripts of the Rig Veda from India, a rare copy of the Magna Carta from the United Kingdom and an anamorphic digital image of Mona Lisa from France will be among the several artefacts to be......
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday inaugurated crucial connectivity and power projects in Mizoram and Meghalaya to accelerate development in the northeastern states, a focus area of his......
Shillong strummed its way into the Guinness Book of World Record on October 26 for the largest guitar ensemble when 1,730 guitarists -- mostly youths -- strummed in perfect rhythm to Bob Dylan's......
The music capital of North East India, Shillong, is all set to rock to the tune of the 'biggest ever guitar ensemble' on October 26 in an attempt to storm into the Guinness Book of World Record.......