The World Bank on Thursday said Wipro is now eligible to apply for becoming a vendor, as the four-year ban imposed on the software major ended this month."Wipro has served their full four-year......
The World Bank has debarred three Indian companies and one individual from participating in its projects, saying that they indulged in fraudulent practices while doing business with it in the......
Even before the dust settled on the controversy involving Satyam's debarment, the World Bank on Monday revealed that action has been taken against a total of five entities in India, including Wipro......
Chennai-based Megasoft is to acquire 60 per cent stake in 1.4 million euro German IT services company -- Beam AG -- in an all cash deal, it was announced on Monday.The company, however, did not......
Former World Bank Chief Information Officer Mohamed Vazir Muhsin, who is at the centre of the controversy that led to the Bank barring Indian IT majors Satyam and Wipro from bank contracts for......