Qualcomm launched its new affordable, India-designed chipset, the Snapdragon 4s Gen 2, on Tuesday. Photograph: Aly Song/Reuters This chipset will enable mobile device makers to sell 5G......
Seeing exponential growth potential for Facebook in India, its co-founder Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday said he will discuss with Prime Minister Narendra Modi ways to connect villages with the......
An array of conditions in third generation (3G) guidelines will restrict the entry of foreign players in the booming Indian telecom market. The restrictions may include an additional licence fee a......
Micron plans an assembly testing, marking and packaging project of $1 billion, and talks are on to set up a memory chip plant for captive requirements. IMAGE: Kindly note the image has been posted......
Electronics and white goods manufacturers such as Videocon, Spice, Usha and Mirc Electronics have begun engaging the services of Independent design houses to take on the likes of global giants......