The Tamil Nadu state unit of the BJP has been alleging that its leaders are being systematically attacked/murdered in the state. A Ganesh Nadar brings to light five cases where workers of the BJP......
R. SivakumarMD (Sales & Marketing Group), Intel South Asia The man who heads India's largest chipmaker firm is hoping his geeky friends would get him machines with human intelligence that will......
With its Ultrabooks, leading chipmaker, Intel, has brought enterprise features like cloud services, lighter devices with longer battery periods and remote data security on devices like laptops,......
Software maker Intel India and telecom services provider BSNL on Tuesday joined hands for making personal computers and broadband accessible and available to the masses. The Intel and BSNL 'Meri......
Ten years back, India's first language portal Webdunia launched an email solution called "epatra". The service allowed recipients to read emails without downloading or installing any fonts.......
India's consumer price inflation eased to a four-month low of 4.87 percent in April, while the annual industrial output growth slowed to 2.1 percent in March, government data showed on Tuesday.......