Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on Tuesday targeted Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his statement that he respects Bahujan Samaj Party founder Kanshi Ram and claimed his party had not......
Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati on Sunday said that the bahujan samaj has got tired of demanding its constitutional and legal rights and now they have to join the campaign to become hukmran......
Far from fulfilling his oft repeated proclamations about converting his bete noire former chief minister Mayawati's dream projects -- the multi-billion parks and memorials -- into hospitals and......
Former UP Chief Minister and Bahujan Samaj Party president Mayawati on Tuesday lashed out at Samjawadi government's decision to rename Manyavar Kanshiramji Urdu-Farsi University, saying it was a......
In a major decision, the Uttar Pradesh cabinet on Tuesday gave its nod to keep the office of Lokayukta out of the purview of RTI Act. The cabinet meeting presided over by Chief Minister Akhilesh......