Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday evening took oath along with 45-member council of ministers. The council of ministers included 23 Cabinet ministers, 10 ministers of state with independent......
Narendra Modi is expected to have a 45-member council of ministers who will take oath along with him on Monday evening. The council of ministers is expected to have 23 Cabinet ministers, 10......
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has assets worth Rs 1.26 crore while Defence and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley stands out as the richest minister with assets totalling Rs 72.10 crore. Urban......
The reshuffle was aimed at infusing more “experience, expertise and energy” into the government. Seventeen new faces, including Bharatiya Janata Party leaders S S Ahluwalia, and......
Poll-bound UP to get a lion’s share with at least three new faces to be inducted from the state. A total of 19 new ministers, some from dalit community, are set to be inducted in the......