Delhi high court on Monday refused to grant bail to three suspected Indian Mujahideen operatives facing trial for their alleged involvement in the September 2008 Delhi serial blasts that claimed 26......
Suspected Indian Mujahideen terrorists, accused of carrying out serial blasts in the national capital in 2008, told a Delhi court on Tuesdaythat they were being harassed and beaten up at ajail in......
The Delhi police on Wednesday accused a suspected member of the Indian Mujahideen of providing logistical support to enable the terror group's media cell head and others to hack a wi-fi system to......
The Mumbai police arrested three persons, two of them engineers, in connection with sending the threatening e-mails for Indian Mujahideen, and claimed to have busted the media cell of the terror......
How did Mansoor Peerbhoy, an academically bright, suave and soft-spoken young man, who never exhibited any jihadist tendencies, go on to head the Indian Mujahideen's media cell?Best-selling author......