With an expected earnings growth of 15 per cent, benchmark index Nifty 50 may hit 24,500 level by December 2024 and move further to surpass the level of 26,500 by December 2025, Emkay Investment......
The hike in fuel prices on August 16 saw the Jet Airways (India) stock shed five per cent last week. While the stock has recouped some of the losses on hopes that the improved June quarter......
Indian markets on Wednesday gained the most this year on a global risk-on rally and anticipation that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) might cut policy rates at its meet later this month.Experts,......
The Children's Investment Fund Management and its affiliates have emerged as the single-largest seller of Indian stocks among foreign institutional investors. The hedge fund registered its biggest......
The Sensex tumbled to its biggest fall in nearly seven weeks on concerns over deepening tensions between the Left parties and the Congress on the Indo-US civil nuclear deal and fears of rising......