IMAGE: Devotees pull the chariots during the 141st Rath Yatra, in Puri on Saturday. All photographs: PTI Photo Amid tight security, the famous Ratha Yatra of Lord Jagannath was held......
Indrani dressed in a short purple kurta and leggings, with a bandhini green-purple chunni, sindhoor glowing in her mang, was receiving a drubbing from her lawyers for the facts she had revealed......
He is, at the closing of 2018, a man quite different from the Peter Mukerjea who entered judicial custody three-and-a-half years ago. He is a man not yet convicted of a crime, but already......
A much-vacant mall in a sleepy industrial park is all that’s left of the amount allegedly owed by Mangla Shree Properties against 0.2-mt sugar deliveries Farm houses and weekend resorts line......