The Chhattisgarh police has arrested two people in connection with a Rs 20-crore burglary from a jewellery store in Delhi earlier this week and recovered around 18.5 kg of gold and diamond......
The New York police last week arrested Atul Shah, 48, and Mahaveer Kankariya, 43, partners of Dialite Imports, a wholesale diamond business in Manhattan, and charged them with staging a robbery at......
Guy Ritchie's cult film Snatch detailed the misadventures of amoral boxing promoters, violent bookmakers, a Russian gangster, incompetent robbers, and 'Jewish jewelers' in the race to track down a......
Prema Jain does not begin her day with a prayer or a cup of coffee. Instead, the first thing she does when she steps into her kitchen every morning is take a handful of rice from the rice tin and......
Ramdin Gupta, 72, owner of Gupta Kirana Stores in Gandhi Nagar in Thane, on Mumbai's outskirts, is unfazed by the cacophony over allowing foreign ownership of supermarkets. "See, even if another......
A relatively new technology is arriving in India and Bangalore has taken the lead in organising the first major event on it - the storage networking summit, attended by some of the global experts......
Are you always at a loss while planning your finances? Are you aware of the investment options available in the market? How best can you plan your finances? What are the crieria for evaluating an......