The Reserve Bank of India on Friday froze the business of the Mumbai-based Maratha Mandir Co-operative Bank Ltd (MMCBL) with immediate effect and imposed a withdrawal ceiling of Rs 5,000 per......
The Centre has proposed radical changes in the guidelines for co-operative banks, which, if passed by the Parliament, will unseat almost all chairpersons and directors of these banks. Section 56 of......
As part of its expansion plan to strengthen its base in North Maharashtra, Saraswat Co-operative Bank Ltd (SCBL), the largest multi-state co-operative bank in the country with a business turnover......
South Indian Co-operative Bank has made a representation to the Reserve Bank of India urging it to revise the withdrawal limit of depositors from the current Rs 1,000 to Rs 10,000.The bank has......
Maharashtra, the country’s largest cane and sugar producer after Uttar Pradesh, had, over the past few years, weathered adverse market dynamics brought about by a domestic and global sugar......