The Videocon group plans to set up a multi-product special economic zone at Shendra in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra at an investment of Rs 6,600 crore (Rs 66 billion)."Videocon is going to......
The Maharashtra government has offered 2,000 acres to Videocon Group for the development of a multi-purpose special economic zone in Pune's Saswad taluk. This comes close on the heels of......
Companies that seek to renew land leases in Maharashtra or seek aid from the state government, face the prospect of being told by the government to reserve 52 per cent of all new recruitments every......
Maharashtra government, which is facing the heat over land acquisition for the special economic zones has written to the Centre asking it to clarify the scope of the term compulsory land......
The Union government's bar on state governments acquiring land for special economic zones has prompted corporate India to seek the prime minister's intervention. "We are planning to meet Prime......