Maharashtra school education minister Varsha Gaikwad on Friday said the examinations of Class X and XII conducted by the state board will not be held before May 2021 due to the prevailing......
The results of the Higher Secondary Certificateexamination of the Maharashtra State Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, held in March this year, will be announced on June 7.The results......
All ministers in Maharashtra will contribute one month's salary towards drought relief in the state, where a dozen districts are reeling under acute water scarcity. This was decided on Thursday at......
The Maharashtra State Secondary and Higher Secondary Board isimplementingthe bar-coding system for tracking answer papers in the Senior Secondary Certificate and Higher Secondary Certificate......
It was a huge earthquake which put this nondescript town in Marathwada region on the news map. Sixteen years later, Latur is again in the news as it will decide the political fortune of Amit......