The Uttar Pradesh Police on Wednesday arrested Bajrang Muni Das of Maharishi Shri Laxman Das Udasin ashram, days after he allegedly made a hate speech and issued a "rape threat" in Sitapur.......
A Uttar Pradesh seer, who allegedly delivered a hate speech against a community and made a rape threat, has been booked, police in Sitapur said on Saturday. Bajrang Muni Das, the mahant of the......
Bajrang Muni Das of Maharishi Shri Laxman Das Udasi Ashram, who allegedly made a hate speech and issued a 'rape threat' in Uttar Pradesh's Sitapur, was granted bail by a local court. IMAGE:......
The National Commission for Women (NCW) on Friday sought the arrest of a seer from Uttar Pradesh, who allegedly issued rape threats to women of a particular community, and reprimanded the police......