Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan on Tuesday categorically said that the proposal to transfer Assistant Commissioner of Police P Anil Mahabole had not come to him for sanction. "As per......
Assistant Commissioner of police Anil Mahabole, who could be questioned in connection with the murder of veteran journalist J Dey, was transferred on Monday. Anil Mahabole, who was in-charge of......
The Bombay high court on Monday granted anticipatory bail to rape accused ACP Anil Mahabole, observing that prima facie no case was made out for even registration of an FIR against him. Mahabole,......
Observing that prima facie no case of rape had been made out against Assistant Commissioner of Police Anil Mahabole, the Bombay high court on Monday granted him interim bail. "Prima facie it is not......
A First Information Report was on Tuesday registered against a senior police officer on charge of raping a middle-aged housewife after an internal enquiry concluded his role in the crime, police......