Special judge Sangeeta Dhigra Sehgal on Tuesday deferred a decision on former Samajwadi Party leader and member of Rajya Sabha Amar Singh's bail hearing in the cash-for-votes scam to Thursday.......
The Delhi police on Monday objected to a plea, seeking a city court to direct it to lodge a criminal case against Rajya Sabha member of Parliament Amar Singh for allegedly kidnapping a key......
Rajya Sabha MP Amar Singh, facing prosecution for his alleged role in the 2008 cash-for-vote scam, was allowed on Thursday by a Delhi court to go abroad for treatment of his kidney ailment.......
Two days after being discharged from hospital, Rajya Sabha MP Amar Singh, an accused in the 2008 cash-for-vote scam case, has moved a Delhi court seeking its permission to go abroad for treatment......
Rajya Sabha Member of Parliament Amar Singh, who is undergoing treatment at AIIMS, was on Monday granted bail in the 2008 cash-for-vote scam by the Delhi high court on"humanitarian grounds" in view......