The Gujarat high court on Thursday approved the plea of the Special Investigating Team, probing the 2004 police encounter of Ishrat Jahan, seeking copy of Judicial Magistrate S P Tamang's report......
Father of one of the persons killed in a police encounter in 2004 along with Ishrat Jahan on Friday filed an application in the Gujarat High Court demanding that hearing on his pending plea seeking......
The Centre on Wednesday filed a fresh affidavit in the Gujarat High Court in the Ishrat Jahan encounter case, saying it had never justified the action of the Gujarat police and had no objection to......
Family members of Ishrat Jahan, who was killed allegedly in an encounter by the Gujarat police, on Thursday moved the Supreme Court challenging the state high court's order staying a magisterial......
The Gujarat government on Tuesday rejected the S P Tamang report which concluded that Ishrat Jahan and three others were killed in a fake encounter in 2004 and said it would challenge it in a......
Indian Idol Prashant Tamang has appealed for peace in Siliguri after clashes between his supporters and locals forced the authorities to impose a curfew. The Army and the Border Security Force had......