The Tamil Nadu government on Sunday revoked its ban on a customary event of a Shaivite math that involves disciples carrying a palanquin on their shoulders with their pontiff seated inside. IMAGE:......
The BJP seems wanting to return to a 'Tamil Hindutva' agenda for elections in Tamil Nadu, explains N Sathiya Moorthy. IMAGE: Prime Minister Narendra D Modi prostrates before the Sengol before its......
The aftermath of Mani Ratnam's Ponniyin Selvan has led to an argument that there was no religion as Hinduism in Chola times.Instead, there was only Saivism, Vaishnavism, etc, and that the Cholas......
It was all over in a matter of minutes and before people could realise what was happening, 11 persons were electrocuted to death even as others ran helter-skelter in disbelief while the temple......
Self-styled godman Swami Nithyananda has been sacked by the senior pontiff as his successor of a 1500-year-old Saivaite Mutt in Madurai. Nityananda faces charges of rape and sexual harassment by......