The Bombay high court on Monday said it will hear the appeal filed by Bollywood actor Salman Khan against the five-year sentence awarded to him in the 2002 hit-and-run case from July 30 on a......
The Bombay high court on Monday refused accept a plea to grant stay on an appeal filed by Bollywood actor Salman Khan against the five-year sentence awarded to him in the 2002 hit-and-run case. A......
Shiv Sena activist Sunil Raut was on Tuesday arrested for allegedly masterminding the attack on the office of Marathi news channel IBN-Lokmat in Mumbai, the police said. "Sunil Raut surrendered......
The Mumbai police on Wednesday arrested Maharashtra Navnirman Sena candidate from Ghatkopar (west) Ram Kadam for allegedly assaulting policemen and election officials during polling. The police......
A Hindu organisation has sought a ban on the release of the Hollywood film Love Guru which, according to them, portrays the guru-disciple relation in an 'objectionable' way. The Hindu Janajagruti......