Consider, if you will, a peculiar experiment. Pick an advertising agency; any agency. Walk to where the copywriters congregate, and gently whisper the name 'Indra Sinha'. Then stand back and watch......
The focus on Swachh Bharat has sharpened with Prime Minister Modi asking ministers to show the outcomes of schemes launched since the NDA government came to power Swachh Bharat, which was ranked......
Ad agencies JWT, Ogilvy and Grey International have more than a parent in common. In India, at least, executives from these agencies fly the same airline, stay in the same hotel chains or send......
Every new episode seems to simply reinforce Nestle's inherent inclination to put up the walls and hunker down. Image: Nestle needs no lectures or prescriptions on managing food crises.......
While it is true that a host of Indian-owned ad firms have been gobbled up by MNCs, this is par for the course in a globalised worldSantosh Desai, President, McCann EricksonAre Indian companies......
The scene is a home in small town India. A young girl brings her elder brother a cup of tea as he sits in the verandah. Taking a sip, he remarks that it tastes good. Overhearing the comment, the......