The Delhi high court on Wednesday asked the Centre and the Delhi government to present their stand on a plea seeking recall of all currency notes above Rs 100, restricting cash transactions above......
Ahead of Diwali, the Gujarat government on Monday announced a reduction in VAT (Value Added Tax) on CNG and PNG by 10 per cent and said two cooking gas cylinders will be given free every year to 38......
'We will do whatever is necessary when the day and moment arrives.''As a party which has ruled Maharashtra for most of its existence, we also have our base and turf to protect.' IMAGE: Maharashtra......
The Congress on Saturday announced a three-phase campaign against price rise, "Mehngai-mukt Bharat Abhiyaan", as part of which party workers will ring bells, garland LPG cylinders and beat drums......
The Samajwadi Party on Tuesday released its poll manifesto, promising an 'Urban Employment Guarantee Act' on the lines of MNREGA and 33 per cent reservation for women in government jobs, besides a......
GAIL India’s second quarter (Q2FY25) performance met expectations. Photograph: Adnan Abidi/Reuters Petchem turned profitable on higher volumes, and trading revenues were in-line. Analysts......
India should by 2027 ban the use of diesel-powered four-wheelers in cities with over 10 lakh population and switch to electric and gas-fuelled vehicles, according to a report commissioned by the......
State-owned Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), Adani-Total Gas Ltd and Shell were among the 29 companies that bid and bought natural gas to be produced from the deepest field in the KG-D6 block of......
Gail India subsidiary Mahanagar Gas (MGL) on Friday announced a steep reduction in the retail price of compressed natural gas (CNG) by Rs 8/kg and domestic PNG (piped natural gas) by Rs 5/SCM......
The CNG models are powered by the 5.7-litre SGI engine generating peak power of 180hp and torque of 650Nm, come with a modular architecture and offer a range of up to 1,000 km Photograph:......